Business Taxes and more

Top Reasons to Hire New Accountant

When filing business tax return many are dissatisfied and look for different tax preparation services for small business.  Consider switching.  It just makes business sense.

1. They are not proactive. They never offer business tax consulting services or tax planning advice. They simply fill out your LLC tax return and send you a bill.

2. They are providing poor value when filing Corporate Tax Returns. Business Taxes and More is capable of offering more than tax compliance. Saving Taxes is Great but Income Growth is Even Better!

3. If your accountant does not take the time to understand your business, they won’t be effective at identifying opportunities. Look for accounting and tax services for small business who believe in your visions as much as your bottom line!

4. They are not informed of new tax laws. At Business Taxes and More we do more by constantly educating and researching for upcoming IRS Regulations, Revenue Rulings or Procedures and latest legislative history to offer the best business tax consulting services for paying the lowest taxes legally.

5.They’re never available call once a year. Accountants who file LLC tax return need to be available for those urgent requests, and offer you the time. A great small business tax preparation services include regular consultations with you on your changing needs.

6. They’re unapproachable. You should never perceive that your accountant is too busy or feel that you are asking a ‘stupid’ question. A large corporate tax return or small business accounting and tax services, we will provide all the help and business tax consulting services you need.

7. They are unable or unwilling to explain things. Some corporate tax return preparers use industry jargon as a way of keeping their clients in the dark. Regardless, LLC tax return a corporate tax return or S corporation income tax return we provide simple and clear business tax consulting services the way our clients want.

8. They are not aware of current events. When offering business tax consulting services or accounting and tax services for small business we take a holistic approach to tax planning, with taxes, investment, current situation and macroeconomic trends. The United States is having a major budget and tax issues. Cost of doing business are increasing and old-fashioned way of filing business tax returns and planning hurt the business. 9. You have unexpected tax liabilities and penalties. There should not be surprises when you file business tax return or S corporation income tax return. 10. They’re late and file with extension. This is a signal that you are not a valued client. We specialize in filing business tax returns, small business accounting and tax services, tax return for LLC, corporate tax returns and S corporation income tax return and we correctly file business tax returns on time. 11. They have a large personal tax return practice for non-business owners. This is usually an indication that they are more focused on individuals rather than filing business tax returns. You will benefit from Business Taxes and more. A dedicated and highly experienced in the corporate tax return, LLC tax return and small business tax preparation services.
Business Tax Consulting Services

12. They have not updated your exit plans or retirement. Our unique business tax consulting services include business succession planning, exit strategies, risk management and risk transfer using commercial insurance cost analysis.

13. They don’t have latest technology. You should expect your tax services for business to be hassle free and save you time.

Contact us to replace ineffective and out-of-date tax practices and we will help you grow for many years to come.

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