Business Taxes and more

Filing Business Tax Returns With Large Tax Deductions Using Vehicle Expenses

In our years of experience in small business tax preparation services, clients have asked about high audit risk tax deductions whenfiling business tax returns. Many think it is the meal and entertainment expense. Vehicle expense is a large deduction and requires significant level of record keeping effortsand perhaps this gives the IRS reasons to pay more attention.

Proactive Tax Planning and Auto Expenses

At Business Taxes and More we offer proactive accounting and tax services for small business by exploring compliant tax deductions often reducing corporate tax return taxes or any income tax return taxes for small businessyielding savings over $15,000 frequently.  Our new corporate tax return clients are not aware and get amazed when they discover practical but often forgotten tax elimination strategies if they file business tax return using a software or another accountant.  During our business tax consulting services, we review all available business tax deductions to supercharge them and save thousands of dollars.  More specifically for automobile deductions, there are easy and audit proof ways for increasing the vehicle expenses from $6,000 and higher when filing business tax return with proactive tax planning.  For example, using multiple cars for business and converting personal asset to a business asset have allowed our small business tax preparation services clients, LLC tax return, corporate tax return, and S corporation tax return clients take advantage of depreciation expense of $4,900 that did not exist for personal assets prior to contacting Business Taxes and More for small business tax preparation services.  When receiving accounting and tax services for small business remember about the factors supporting your tax deductions and making it audit proof, for example, filing business tax return your expenses may not be personal, it must be properly documented, ordinary and necessary, with abusiness purpose and finally be reasonable.  For more information about business tax deduction factors, read our other blog here to Increase Business Tax Deductions.

There are valid business reasons for many of oursmall business tax preparation services clients, consultants, sales people and executives from various industries and many others who file business tax return to have more than one business vehicles.  The weather, various levels of clientele, credibility and perception all affect sales results and are great reasons to save our clients thousands of dollars when filing business tax return at Business Taxes and More.

Auto Expense Deduction Options: Actual Expenses vs. IRS Standard Rate

Small business tax preparation services clients unlike corporate tax return have a choice of deducting their vehicle expenses.  When we do accounting and tax services for small business we select the greater of IRS standard mileage rate or the actual expenses.  At Business Taxes and More we are never lazy and always go the extra mile to determine which option of vehicle expense deduction yields the most tax savings for our small business accounting and tax services, LLC tax return, or any consulting, home based or any business rather whofile LLC tax return.  Many clients who have yet to experience growth with Business Taxes and More ask how much is this going to cost me.  They are referring to their invoice for our tax preparation services.  The better and much significant question to ask us how many thousands of dollars more we will save them if we handle their small business accounting and tax services.  It is ironic that individuals and businesses all the time are more concerned and argue about immaterial credit card charges or the discounts that they do not get.

However, they are oblivious and completely unaware or not concerned about giving away thousands of dollars more in taxes.  We are highly competitive for our reasonable prices and we do much more with the results that we deliver.  No firm does more for less money.   For example, for a corporate tax return we are pricedat 25% lower than some accounting firms and for estate, gift or exempt organization we have 50% to 70% lower prices than tax accounting firms.   In addition, we are competitive in saving the most money to all of our tax services for business, for those who file LLC tax return, corporate tax return or any start up or experienced business filing business tax return.  At Business Taxes and More we are aware and concerned for the tax services for business that we provide.  Not only we reduce taxes when we are filing business tax returns but we offer business tax consulting services with a holistic approach.  We structure tax deductions with maximum savings at the same time focusing on the current global macroeconomicconcerns and what is going on with the invisible taxes, government debt financing and the loss of purchasing power through inflation.  Even highly experienced accounting firms for corporate tax returns are focused on the past while we are modern accountants we have a holistic approach to tax services for business which takes the account of taxes, investments and current trends such as the invisible tax which reduces the business bottom line after filing business tax return. 

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