Modern business tax consulting services and accounting and tax services for small business. LLC tax return corporate tax return S corporation income tax return partnership tax returns are our specialty. File LLC tax return with lowest tax and peace of mind.
Tax services for business include small business tax preparation and filing business tax returns.
Opportunities increase for revenue and profits when we are filing business tax returns. Personalized attention for small business accounting and tax services is automatic. If you have a business, you will need to earn a significant profit to survive in today’s macroeconomic conditions.
You will need to file business tax return with a specialist who understands and has been filing business tax returns for years. Even then traditional tax return preparers are focused on the past and offer reactive temporary after the fact solutions.
Business Taxes and More offers complete corporate tax return preparation, filing and tax planning for both S Corporations and C Corporations. We can prepare your S Corporation tax return if you have elected to be taxed as an S corporation by filing form 2553, called Election by a Small Business Corporation.
Even if we prepare your S Corporation income tax return, the S Corporation generally does not pay taxes as profits flow through to the shareholders. Pass-through items from S Corporation tax return keep their same character to the shareholder as they did to the corporation.
Business Taxes and More offers LLC tax return preparation and filing. A Limited Liability Company most commonly referred as an LLC is a business entity that can offer its owners also called members a limited liability protection. This limited liability protection is also common in a corporation. What is unique for LLC tax return is that an entity which is an LLC can have the flexibility and tax benefits a partnership or sole proprietor can have.
A tax return for LLC can take various forms depending on number of owners or members as well as the choices these owners make based on eligibility and the highest tax benefits.
Whether you are a start-up business, a growing business or a mature corporation, US Tax Guru has the expertise to help you. Through prompt and timely service, along with an intimate knowledge of the rules and regulations, we can keep you ahead of government deadlines, maintain order in your internal financial systems, and reduce the headaches that come with owning a business.
We can handle it all, from your payroll needs to banking and check writing. If you’re having issues preparing your financial statements, we can tackle them for you. You name it…we can do it!